As our children are at the forefront of everything we do, seeking their opinions and views and empowering the development of their leadership skills are vital to the success of our academy.

With this in mind, our Pupil Parliament meets every half term to discuss a range of issues. 

Members of GCA’s Pupil Parliament

  • listen
  • discuss
  • share ideas
  • debate
  • suggest
  • help to make decision


We practice British Values of Democracy, Rule of Law, Respect and Tolerance, Individual Liberty. 

Through participating in the Pupil Parliament and other leadership roles, children will have a real influence in helping to develop Garden City Academy.

Children are encouraged to apply for the position of Pupil Parliament. We use our British Value of ‘Democracy’ to vote in our classes for two Pupil Parliament leaders. 

Our Year 6 Pupil Parliament leaders also take part in debates with other schools within our cluster. Topics for this academic year include celebrating nature, walking to school and use of plastics.

Pupil Parliament

Updated: 16/05/2024 564 KB

Last year (2022-2023), one of our Pupil Parliament members was lucky enough to be selected to attend the Houses of Parliament. 

Here is more information about this day 


What our Pupil Parliament say? 

“I like the fact that we have meetings and get together to share our own ideas” - Hollie Y3

“I enjoy debating with other schools. It is really fun!” - Tommy Y6

“I have developed my leadership skills. I have to be responsible, listen to my class and help make decisions.” - Lillie Y6